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(1)"立春"(the Beginning of Spring)

suggests the start of the spring season, which usually falls on the 3rd - 5th of February.


(2)"雨水" (Rain Water)

18th -0th of February, implies the coming of more raining time.


(3)“惊蛰" (the Waking of Insects)

Animals are woken up by the spring thunder. Thus the time is called“惊蛰,”the start of thunder, which is usually from March 5th to 7th.


(4) "春分" (the Spring Equinox)

The equal length of daytime and nighttime (日夜平分). The term is usually on the 20th -22nd of March.


(5)"清明"(Pure Brightness)

4th -6th of April, tells that the weather is getting warmer, grass and plants are turning green, a picture of new life is starting.


(6)"谷雨"(Grain Rain)

19th -21st of April, tells that rainfall is increasing. Ancient Chinese would say"雨生百谷"(rainwater helps promote the growth of hundreds of grain).



(7)"立夏" (the Beginning of Summer)

5th - 7th of May, means the end of Spring and the start of Summer.


(8)“小满”(Lesser Fullness of Grain)

Implies that plant seeds (fruits) are getting full but are not ripening yet. The term is usually on 20th -22nd of May.


(9)"芒种"(Grain in Beard)

5th -7th of June, means that plants with beard-like wheat or barley are ripening and are ready for harvesting.


(10)"夏至" (the Summer Solstice)

Means that hot summer is coming.“夏至”is usually on the 21st-22nd of June, and the daytime of that day is the longest in a year.


(11)”小暑"(lesser Heat)

6th -8th of July, means the days are getting hotter.“暑”means" heat."


(12)"大暑"(Greater Heat)

22nd-24th of July, is the hottest period in a year.



(13)"立秋"(the Beginning of Autumn)

7th - 9th of August, means the end of summer and the start of autumn.


(14)“处暑”(the End of Heat)

Implies that the hot summer is coming to an end.“处”means the "end." The term is usually on the 22nd - 24th of August.


(15)"白露" (White Dew)

7th-9th of September, refers to the white dew condensed during nighttime when the temperature gets lower start appearing.


(16) "秋分” (the Autumn Equinox)

Implies the equal length of daytime and nighttime. It also means that Autumn, already been split into two parts, lies between“立秋”and “立冬.”The term is usually on the 22nd and 24th of September.


(17)"寒露" (Cold Dew)

8th -10th of October, means that temperature is getting lower and more dew appears.


(18)"霜降"(Frost’s Descent), 

23rd -24th of October, implies the emergence of white frost due to the on-the-increase cold weather.



(19)"立冬"(the Beginning of Winter)

7th -8th of November, means the end of Autumn and the start of winter.


(20)"小雪”(Lesser Snow)

22nd-23rd of November, means the start of snowfall because of the cold weather.


(21)"大雪”(Greater Snow)

6th -8th of December, means great snow and more accumulated snow on the ground are easily seen.


(22)"冬至"(the Winter Solstice)

Implies the arrival of the coldest time in winter. The term also tells that daytime on that day is the shortest in a year. The term is usually on the 21st -23rd of December.


(23)"小寒"(Lesser Cold)

5th - 7th of January, tells the start of the coldest season in a year.


(24)"大寒" (Greater Cold)

20th - 21st, means the coldest time of a year.


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