When the historian Fern Riddell tweeted lastWednesday that she was "Dr Fern Riddell" not "Ms orMiss Riddell" she was soon met with criticism.
She tweeted after learning that the Canadiannewspaper The Globe and Mail had proposed tochange its house style to only refer to medicaldoctors by their titles. Instead, academics would justbe called by their surname and prefix such as Mr, Mrsor Ms.
"It is outrageous," Fern told the BBC. "People need to know when someone is an expert. I am afirm believer that any academic -- whether male or female -- should have their title used asthat is their qualification. That's what my tweet was about."
As is common on Twitter, a backlash ensued. "A wave of men suddenly jumped into mymentions saying I was vulgar and immodest. It immediately then became a gender issue," saidFern.
"You're not better for being a Dr as you imply," wrote one detractor.
Another tweeted: "If you have to tell people you're an authority or an expert then youprobably aren't."
Fern admitted she was amused by the hostile reaction. "I am lucky. I tend to just think it'shilarious," she said. "Why are some men so threatened by female expertise? This is a verysmall section of men but they are very loud and very vocal and very aggressive."
弗恩承认她对这种敌对反应感到好笑。 她说道:“我很幸运。我认为这只是很搞笑。为什么有些男性觉得女性专家是个威胁?这只是一小部分男性,但他们非常大声,非常多话,非常凶。”
In response to those decrying her as big-headed she decided to start the hashtag#ImmodestWomen.
Thousands are now joining in with her hashtag sharing their own stories. And women with PhDshave been adding "Dr" to their Twitter handles in solidarity.
"I will never not take pleasure from the moment that someone sneeringly looks at my left handand says 'miss is it?' and I say, politely, 'Dr, actually'. I'm proud of it, and also value that ittakes me out of a narrative that wants to define me by marital status." tweeted Jo Taylor.